Ronnie Fein

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Beet Salad with Peas

When everyone in a family likes the same thing to eat, you make that something right?

Our family is no different than everyone else’s. Some eat meat, some don’t. A few hate turkey or have had enough of it (turkey is one of my go-to meals). Ditto chicken. One person is carb-free, another one doesn’t like green vegetables, this one is allergic to nuts, that one can’t digest lettuce.

Got it?

That’s why I am making beet salad on Father’s Day. It’s a family favorite. So everyone will pick and choose from the other stuff but all will eat some of this. I make all sorts of versions of beet salad, depending on what else I am serving. This one has peas, added for variety.

Beet Salad with Peas

1 bunch medium beets

2 scallions, chopped

1 cup thawed frozen peas (or blanched fresh peas)

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons white wine vinegar

salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Trim the beets, cutting away the greens, if any, and discarding any hard, fibrous parts of the stem. Wash and drain the greens and use them for other purposes. Scrub the beets, wrap them in aluminum foil and roast for 50-60 minutes or until they are tender. Peel the beets when they are cool enough to handle. Cut the beets into bite size pieces and place in a bowl. Add the scallions and peas and toss the ingredients. Pour in the olive oil and wine vinegar and season to taste with salt and pepper. Let rest for 10-15 minutes before serving. Makes 4-6 servings